What We Do

At RETAS we never stand still and adopt an effective ‘respond and adapt’ strategic delivery model. We constantly listen to our clients to find out about and understand their needs and aspirations. Continuously appraised and amended, over many years, RETAS uses its wealth of experience and practice to adapt itself to create the greatest possible positive outcomes.

Individuals and families have a wide range of needs from basic to multiple and complex. Providing effective interventions for a range of issues can be challenging and demanding and as each person’s transitional journey to independence varies the services RETAS offers are holistic, flexible and multi-faceted.

RETAS runs a comprehensive induction and training programme for their staff, Trustees, volunteers, interpreters and mentors and staff are actively encouraged to share knowledge both internally and externally. 

we provide a’ hub’ where individuals are welcomed and given appropriate support.

We have many services to help you integrate into society.

We can help you learn English, even if you’re just starting out. We run classes from pre-entry level.

If you want to study or work where English is used, we can help you get the internationally IELTS recognized qualification, which measure your language proficiency.

We can help you employability workshops and training to prepare yourself for work. For example we can help you get your SIA (Security Industry Authority) Licence.

If you’re thinking about going to college or university, we can give you advice and support with your applications.

We have lots of pre-employment support to help you with CV writing, Job Search and Interview preparation.

If you need help finding somewhere to live, we provide help with searching for a property and on-going support.

Our ‘Welcome To’ programme is here to help you get settled, find your way around and feel at home.

Our staff are trained and qualified to offer Independent Advice and Guidance.

Our volunteer service is a great way to improve your confidence, gain new skills and prepare for work in a supported environment.

We want to help you take care of yourself and your mental health. Talk to us and we can refer you to local services that provide you with the help you need.

We can provide welfare support to help you access benefits and other financial support.

If you need to open a bank account we can help you get one sorted.

If you have children we can help you find a school or childcare to meets your needs.

If you need someone to help you speak up for or represent yourself our Advocacy staff can help you.

We partner and collaborate with many local organisations and can help you find furniture.


How RETAS Empowers Refugees to Rebuild Their Lives